Barry, Colette and their daughter Diana came from Utah to visit family in Arizona. During their visit, all of the Arizona gang got together and had dinner at Cafe Rio. We met at Uncle Glen's house so he could show the improvements made to the house and then we caravaned over to the restaurant. It seemed that Barry always got caught on the red light. He had three choices: to get left behind, to get in an accident or to run the red light. Well after running the third red light in a row the police finally caught up to him.
Barry was lucky because the police officer let him off for being from Utah and for being the last one in the caravan line.
While the Ewell family was in Arizona, Barry taught four genealogy classes at a convention. Barry and Colette are getting ready to launch
http://www.mygenshare.com/. Check it out. It should be up and running in a couple of months.
Here are some photos from Saturday night. Hope you enjoy.