Welcome to our new blog. This is a way for us to keep in touch with one another. Uncle Rand had the initial idea, but he was hesitant to use blogger because it was public for everyone to see. There is a way to make our blog private, so you can only invite those whom you want to share our blog with. You can see on the main page I have made the link to my blog, which is private and Melissa and Eric Green's blog is public.
Our main blog site could be either private or public. I would like to know your opinion on this decision. It will be up to the individual families if you want to make your personal blog site private. The Rosenbaum side is getting quite large, so this family blog is a way to keep in touch.
We will soon have four new additions to the family with Spencer's, Danial's, Austin's and Jason's wives all pregnant with babies. Actually, Spencer's wife gave birth to a boy on October 21, 2008.
Blogging is fun and very easy. Once you have completed the instructions in the e-mail I sent you and have created your own family blog, send me the link and I will upload your blog to this main web page, just as I have linked Melissa's, Rainy's and mine. After you have e-mailed me your new blog link, I will e-mail instructions on how to make your personal site private.
I am excited to keep in touch.
Shauna Dorman
Colette and Barry Ewell's Daughter

Levi and Tara were married in July. Tara's family flew in from Michigan and all of Levi's brothers were there to participate in the happy event. It was fun to see everyone together.
This photo is a sample of what we can do. I asked Levi and Tara for permission to post this photo of their wedding. The blog is meant to share special events like this or everyday adventures. If you don't want to set up a blog, you can just e-mail me the photo and the message you want to go a long with the photo and I will post it on the main family blog. You can do as much or as little as you want.